CRASHING PATIENT & EMCRITBLOG - Critical Care emergency information. Blog, podcasts and typed information. Great to use during rotations!
TIMI Risk Score - to estimate mortality for patients with unstable angina and non-ST elevation MI
Male Foley Placement - youtube video on male foley placement
Female Foley Placement - youtube video on female foley placement
Blood Tube Order - Vacutainer tube order
Fluorescein eye stain - University of Maryland encyclopedia explaining fluorescein eye staining.
Slit Lamp - youtube video on how to perform a slit lamp exam
MDCALC - program that explains calculations for emergency, critical care, pediatric, and many other areas of medicine. Ex: Ideal body weight, Ottawa ankle rules, TIMI risk score, APGAR
Digital Nerve Block
Digital Nerve Block II
Ingrown Toenail Removal
I&D an Abscess
Lumbar Puncture